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Wisconsin Works (W-2)

A Good Idea


The Wisconsin Works (W-2) TANF program connects eligible parents to services that connects parents to employment, strengthens job retention and provides incentives that make work pay. W-2 has four levels of employment and training options: unsubsidized employment, trial jobs, community service jobs, and W-2 transition. Trial jobs provide subsidized employment with a promise of regular employment following the term of the subsidy for those who lack recent work experience. Community service jobs (CSJ) are developed for recipients who lack basic skills and work experience. CSJ participants receive a monthly grant of $673 for engaging in up to 40 hours per week in employment related and education activities. W-2 transition serves recipients with more severe barriers to employment. These participants receive a monthly grant of $628 for participation in up to 40 hours per week of employment related and education activities. Employment-related activities include activities such as substance abuse and mental health treatment if these are necessary for obtaining employment.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to engage TANF recipients in employment activities.

Results / Accomplishments

In fiscal year 2002, the state’s participation rate was 69.4 percent.

About this Promising Practice

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Primary Contact
Janice Peters
Wisconsin Department of Children & Families
201 E. Washington Ave. (GEF 1)
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 266-7456
Economy / Employment
Economy / Government Assistance
Education / Educational Attainment
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Finance Project
Date of publication
Apr 2004