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Increasing Age-Appropriate Immunization Rates for Children in Butler County and Surrounding Area

An Effective Practice


In order to increase immunization rates the Quality Improvement (QI) team identified two main barriers to parents immunizing their children: forgetting appointments and not understanding the importance of immunizations. To address these issues, a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle was conducted to determine if a reminder recall system and education efforts would increase immunization rates. The reminder recall system was based on the Kansas immunization registry. A postcard was sent out to remind parents about upcoming immunizations their child needed and, if no response, the parent was called. In addition, educational outreach packets were distributed to new parents and patients.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program was to increase immunization rates in the Butler County area.


Immunization rates increased from 53.2% to 72.4% and parents reported a better understanding of the importance of timely vaccinations.

Results / Accomplishments

Immunization rates increased 19.2% over the life of the project (original immunization rate = 53.2%; final immunization rate = 72.4%). Out of 20 parents who were surveyed to determine if the educational efforts were helpful, 16 said that they had a better understanding of the importance of timely vaccinations.

About this Promising Practice

Augusta Family Practice, P.A.
Primary Contact
Catherine Shoults
Kansas Health Institute
212 SW 8th Ave, Suite 300
Topeka, KS 66603
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases
Health / Children's Health
Health / Prevention & Safety
Augusta Family Practice, P.A.
Date of implementation
Jan 2012
Geographic Type
Butler County, KS
Target Audience
Additional Audience
Submitted By
Catherine Shoults