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Vaccination Programs: Community-Based Interventions Implemented in Combination


An Evidence-Based Practice


Community-based interventions implemented in combination involve the use of two or more coordinated interventions to increase vaccination rates within a targeted population. Efforts involve partnerships between community organizations, local government, and vaccination providers to implement and coordinate the following:
-One or more interventions to increase community demand (client reminder and recall systems, manual outreach and tracking, client or community-wide education, client incentives, client-held paper immunization records, and case management)
-One or more interventions to enhance access to vaccination services (expanded access in healthcare settings, home visits, and reduced client out-of-pocket costs)

Efforts may also include additional interventions directed at vaccination providers (e.g. provider assessment and feedback, provider education, and provider reminder systems).


The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommends using a combination of community-based interventions to increase vaccination rates in targeted populations.
Interventions may aim to increase community demand, enhance access to vaccination services, or reduce missed opportunities by vaccination providers.

Results / Accomplishments

The systematic review included 18 studies with 21 study arms.

Overall vaccination rates: median increase of 14 percentage points (18 studies)
-Older adults (65 years and older): median increase of 30.8 percentage points (4 studies)
-Children (12 years and younger): median increase of 12 percentage points (14 studies)

Studies that combined one or more interventions to increase client and community demand with one or more interventions to enhance access to vaccination services saw a median increase in vaccination rates of 16 percentage points (14 studies).

Intervention combinations that included client reminders reported a median increase in vaccination rates of 13 percentage points (15 study arms).

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
The Community Guide
1600 Clifton Rd, NE
MS H21-8
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 498-1827
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases
For more details